Gsteig and the Sanetsch

The Sanetsch Pass in the Bernese Alps is a well-known destination in the Valais, which can be reached by car or postbus (car postal) in the summer.

Beyond the pass, the road descends towards Lake Sénin and ends in a cul-de-sac near the Sanetsch restaurant, in a spectacular landscape.

With more than 800m of difference in altitude, the descent to the upper Sarine valley must be done on foot, via a steep path. Or by the power station cable car, which is open to the public.

At the bottom station of the cable car, you still have 1700m to walk to the postbus stop.
Waypoints Please note: We have not yet shot any panoramas at the top of the Sanetsch pass, which is a little less than 5km south of the dam.

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