A canton that conjures up images of holidays, winter sports and fine wines

Ayer | Bettmeralp | Bettmerhorn | Blauherd | Blausee | Chalais | Champzabé (Crans-Montana) | Chermignon d´En-Haut | Daubensee | Eggishorn | Euseigne | Evolène | Fafleralp | Fiesch | Fiescheralp | Flanthey | Furka | Gemmi | Gornergrat | Granges | Grimsel | Grône | Hannig | Hohsaas | Kleinmatterhorn | Kreuzboden | Lens | Leuk/Loèche | Längfluh | Lötschental | Miège | Mittelallalin | Montana | Moosfluh | Morgins | Muraz | Mörel | Noës | Nufenen/Novena | Ollon | Pfynwald | Réchy | Riederalp Mitte | Rotenboden | Rothorn | Saas-Almagell | Saas-Balen | Saas-Fee | Saas-Grund | Saillon | Saint-Gingolph | Saint-Maurice | Salgesch | Sanetsch | Schwarzsee | Sierre | Sierre | Sierre | Simplon | Spielboden | Sunnegga | Vaas | Val d´Hérens | Varen | Venthône | Vercorin | Veyras | Zermatt | Zinal |

Two more cantons that are synonymous with holidays for many Swiss people: Ticino and Graubünden

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